Curing Acne Naturally - Effective Herbal Acne Treatments

indra 10:23 PM 0
What are Acne?

Acne, or acne, are the most common of skin problems, affecting almost everyone. In fact, acne can appear at any age, albeit it is more common among teenagers and young adults. Acne are caused when the pores in the skin, particularly, oil glands, become clogged. The most common types of acne are whiteheads (acne formed beneath the surface of the skin), blackheads (dark looking acne that appear on the surface of the skin), papules (small red bumps that are sore to touch), pustules (red bumps that are visibly filled with pus), nodules (deep-rooted acne that are large and hard), and cysts (large and painful acne).
Symptoms and Causes of ancne:

Whiteheads and blackheads are common among most individuals, owing to the pollution in the environment. However, some of the other signs of an acne outbreak are as follows: pain or soreness, accumulation of pus, extreme redness, and scarring. The most obvious cause of a pimple is the clogging of the skin's pores. However, hormones, genetics, medication, and cosmetic products are also known to play a major role in the appearance of acne.
Home cure:

Natural and home cure are sometimes the best option for skin problems; this is because these have minimal adverse side-effects. Below are some of the most common home cure used for the treatment of acne.
Vitamins are considered to be extremely effective in combating acne. In particular, the inclusion of niacin (Vitamin B3), vitamin A, and vitamin E in one's diet can help in curing acne. These vitamins can be consumed orally in the form of supplements, or better still, in the form of fresh vegetables and fruit.

Fenugreek makes for an ideal overnight face-pack in the fight against acne. Apply the paste at bedtime and leave it on over night; you can wash it off in the morning with warm water. In particular, fenugreek is extremely useful in the removal of blackheads.
Often thrown away with the garbage, orange peels are one the most effective natural cures for acne. Apply a paste of the peels mixed with water to the affected areas; wash off after 30 minutes.

Coriander juice mixed with turmeric powder forms another effective face-pack. It can be applied at bedtime, after thoroughly cleansing the face. You can also use mint juice in place of coriander juice.
Garlic is known for its anti-bacterial properties and is used in most home cure for skin problems and infections. You can either eat three cloves of garlic daily, or apply fresh garlic on the affected area.

 Cucumber and lemon are also good for pimple treatment. While cucumber can be applied as a face-pack, lemon juice can be applied as an astringent. To know more visit the Proactiv Reviews site for more details on acne treatments.