Home Made Remedies for acne

indra 10:30 AM

Acne cases are truly a skin disorder that produces pimples . They stand up when the hair follicles under the skin clog . Most of the buttons are on the face , neck , back , chest and shoulders . Anyone can get acne , but teenagers and young adults are the usual victims . This is not a serious illness , but in severe cases it can be afraid and that's why the search for home remedies for acne causing useful .

Medical benefits do not know exactly what . Causes acne Hormonal changes during puberty and pregnancy probably contribute .

Do not believe the old myths about what causes acne . While nasty fat foods and chocolate are solely responsible for cystic acne , there is little evidence that foods have much effect on people get acne .
Another common myth is that dirty skin causes acne . The truth is , blackheads and pimples are not triggered by dirt . Stress can not cause acne , it can worsen .

If you have acne you benevolently cleanse your skin . You should never be in contact with your skin a lot . And avoid the sun for some time , especially if you have sensitive skin .
While there are many OTC products for acne , home remedies for acne should be preferred . The main reason : the natural home remedies have no chemicals that dry out your skin and irritate more about the disease can be .

Some home remedies for acne are :

Niacin and as a consequence vitamin A are effective in the treatment of acne . Take 100 mg niacin , three times daily , and 50 ,000 units of vitamin A , three times throughout the day . Vitamin E , 400 mg , should be taken once a day . Continue for a month .

Another effective home remedy for acne is zinc . Zinc probably will be taken in a dose of 50 mg three times everyday . Zinc is in the form of prescription and capsules . A dose of 50 mg per day , corresponding to a month , or to a significant improvement , then reduction of the dose to 25 mg .

Orange Peel
Another out of all the home treatments for acne includes orange peel . Detach the orange zest and combo with water and apply on the acne affected areas . One of the home remedies for acne really outstanding .

Someone means citrus and simple medications at home for acne : Apply the lemon juice cure pimples and acne .

Rub raw garlic hot spots several times a day . Garlic has proven to be confusing to cure acne . Consume something three seeds . Of raw garlic once daily for a month It purifies blood and helps to keep acne away .

Coriander and mint charge
A teaspoon of coriander juice mixed with a little turmeric powder , is an effective home remedy for pimples and blackheads . After washing your face every night , gently apply before going to bed .

Fenugreek is an efficient treatment for acne . Make a paste from the leaves and apply on the face every night before your bed and wash it with warm water on the next day .

Cucumber :
Grated cucumber attached over the face can really help rule out foreseeable eye and neck for fifteen to twenty minutes , acne breakouts also blackheads

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