15 Ways to Eliminate Acne in Natural

indra 11:54 PM

How to eliminate acne , pimples will make you think you are the strangest man in the world, that when pimples come alight your face, you 'd be embarrassed to leave the house , you would be ashamed to indulge , ashamed to meet friends , ashamed to meet client you and you will feel like alient who live alone in this world .Many tips or how to get rid of acne , as well as tips on how to get rid of pimples by using green tea . But if it feels less powerful tips for you , there are more tips on how to get rid of acne . As with any tips , let us immediately drove to the famous few tips .
Tea tree oil , try to apply tea tree oil on the spot acne on the face or your face . This oil will help dry out the skin . Many people have found that it will reduce the buildup of oil in the pores .

Green Tea - Green tea can be trusted and is able to eliminate existing acne on our face . this is because in the green tea contains elements that can prevent us from free radical damage and can also help reduce acne .

Original Honey - honey has a remarkable efficacy for health and beauty . Honey it can also be used to eliminate acne . do I just apply honey on the acne and let stand for 10 - 20min .

Cucumber - cucumber has all the water a lot which is believed to help reduce acne by removing toxins that cover the pores .

Ginger - Ginger is commonly encountered in the kitchen to spice it can also be utilized to treat acne . grated with the way in and then rubbed on facial acne .

Egg Yolk - Nice addition for cooking and eating , it turns out the yolk can also help us get rid of acne . Apply enough yolk to areas with acne , let stand for 10 minutes and rinse

Garlic, Try also use garlic to treat acne because garlic was believed since the first able to treat stubborn acne on your face .

Lemon , lime is also believed to help you to combat acne on the face . you can do it when I want to sleep by rubbing lime juice earlier .

Increase drink fresh water, another way to get rid of acne is to increase drinking water . drink lots of water . try to drink 8 glasses a day .

With betel leaf , acne can also be eliminated one with betel leaves . how to boil the betel leaf , then cool water and then use the water to wash my face .

Keep your hands off acne areas . Because your fingers take dirt and oil to your face , which makes acne worse . Try to recognize your movements so that your hands are dirty do not touch your acne .

Always keep the face Cleanliness - Cleanliness face or the face is very important because of the growing and developing acne face dirty and bacteria . The weeks to see to it that your face is always well maintained and free of debris .

Stop oil -based makeup . because it will clog your pores when choosing to use this product . Additionally , acne problems can be caused by a type of make-up . Some cosmetic declared free of oil , but their claims are misleading .

Keep Mobile - Believe it or not , your phone habits can wreak havoc on your face . Hp you can take the oil and dirt from your face , then Hp or phones will stick every time you use it . Clean your phone regularly with alcohol to keep it clean and free of oil .

Physician care - if it is felt that you acne suffer can not be lost with the above or even add a lot , chances are you are suffering from an acute acne . immediately contact a specialist you trust to be given a real help . 
Acne is not a disease that can kill such as stroke and so on , but sometimes when we break out we lost confidence and lost confidence as we normally would be embarrassed to do anything . and it's definitely going to disrupt our work and activities .

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