How to Eliminate Blackheads Easy and Fast

indra 7:23 AM
One of the skin problems that you can not ignore it was a blackhead problem . Blackheads are one of the skin problems small grains granular white or black that appear around the nose and cheeks . Blackheads itself consists of two types , namely black comedones or blackheads and white colored blackhead or whitehead .

In a review of health this time we will be more focused on how to remove blackheads black quickly . Black blackheads itself looks much more subtle than white blackheads . Black blackheads will look like acne scars are of course very disturbing your appearance . Black blackheads should be treated early by using the means and natural ingredients . By overcoming the black blackheads naturally , then you have to minimize the risk of damage to the skin on the face .
It happened because of the materials that will be used in addressing these blackheads are natural ingredients and do not contain chemicals that are not harmful to the body and our skin . To be able to eliminate blackheads and black tackle in a short time , please learn various tips and how to get rid of blackheads fast black with the following :

facial steam
Give your face enough steam at least once in a week . You can take water in a bowl of boiling water and steam your face at an incline that was issued by the boiling water .
In order to maximize the resulting steam , you can cover your head with a towel first.

Avoid cosmetics
You are encouraged to avoid excessive use of cosmetics , especially in the form of cream and in the form of oil , which indirectly will pave the way for the growth of blackheads on your face .

Get rid of dead skin cells naturally
You can remove the dead skin cells on your face naturally by rubbing the skin with ice .

Use a mask anti blackheads naturally
You can mix lemon juice with almond oil and glycerin . After all the ingredients mixed perfectly , apply the material evenly to your face and leave it for about two to five minutes . Once they have done , wipe your face with clean water .

Moisten face with a damp cloth
Use a cloth that has been dampened with warm water every night before bed for at least 15 minutes . By doing this way , dead skin cells and dirt will be lifted pore blockage will disappear .

Use honey mask
You can use honey mask , warm honey and apply on your face that there Blackheads . Let stand for at least three to ten minutes and then rinse with clean water . It is recommended to use pure honey , not the honey that has been mixed with other ingredients .

Blackhead remover cream
One of the most practical ways to eliminate black blackheads is to use blackhead remover cream that is specifically formulated for
treatment blackheads . In doing facials to avoid blackheads , indirectly, your face will also be spared of acne . It is recommended to always patient and thorough in doing facials by way of a natural way to overcome the above because blackheads the natural way that does not require a short time In addition , you also have to avoid foods fatty foods , fast food or junk food and foods that are not clean . It is advisable to consume fruits that are rich in fiber .
Those are some ways that you can do to avoid blackheads and tips to overcome the black blackheads naturally and quickly . Hopefully this means that we provide useful for you .

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